

商业世界充满竞争和变化. As business models and theories evolve, so must the skills of today’s business men and women. If your career is starting to stagnate, stir things up by going back to school. 商学学士学位, 布雷西亚大学的目的地项目之一, is administered fully online by faculty members who are experienced and accomplished in the field.

The Business degree online program offered at Brescia University is designed with the adult student in mind. 该计划旨在提供广泛的商业知识基础. Students can customize their degree for a specific field through elective courses. Graduates of the program are prepared to succeed in leadership roles and as ethical professionals in the business community.

The Bachelor of Business online program from Brescia University offers:

  • 灵活的课程
    课程是为成人学生设计的, enabling qualified 学生 to complete a degree in as little as two years.
  • 认证程序
    Brescia University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, 迪凯特, Georgia 30033-4097; telephone number 404-679-4501).
  • 可购性
    商学学士学位 online degree at Brescia University is offered at an affordable price. Federal and state financial aid is available to those 学生 who qualify. .
  • 成人友好校园
    Brescia University has been at the forefront of adult-centered education. Adult 学生 receive exceptional service as they complete their degrees at Brescia University.





各行各业的就业机会都在增加. A bachelor’s in business is one of the most popular degrees in America because the degree is applicable in so many industries. 取决于地点和专业, professionals who hold a business degree can expect to earn between $45,000元及80元,每年000.


Brescia University gladly accepts transfer credits from regionally accredited schools. Students can transfer a maximum of 67 credits from a community college and a maximum of 81 credits from a four year college or university. Students who have attended college previously should submit all transcripts to Brescia for consideration. 要毕业,学生必须总共修满120个学分. 布雷西亚的课程 在线商务副学士学位 可以申请学士学位吗.

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